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Презентация "Бермудский треугольник"

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«Презентация "Бермудский треугольник"»

Bermuda triangle

Bermuda triangle



  • Determination
  • History
  • Incidents
  • Theory
  • Facts
Bermuda triangle Bermuda triangle is the area in the Atlantic ocean. The there are mysterious disappearances of ships or aircraft and other anomalous phenomena. The area limited by the triangle whose vertices are Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico.

Bermuda triangle

Bermuda triangle is the area in the Atlantic ocean. The there are mysterious disappearances of ships or aircraft and other anomalous phenomena. The area limited by the triangle whose vertices are Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico.

History    The Bermuda triangle was first mentioned by writer Vincent Addisom in 1946. Press reporter Edward van Winkle Jones in 1950 called this area the «devil's sea» The author of the phrase


The Bermuda triangle was first mentioned by writer Vincent Addisom in 1946. Press reporter Edward van Winkle Jones in 1950 called this area the «devil's sea» The author of the phrase "Bermuda triangle" I think Vincent Gaddis, published in 1964 article "the Deadly Bermuda triangle".


Incident  The most famous case is the one mentioned in connection with the Bermuda triangle is the disappearance of the flight of five torpedo-bombers of the


  • The most famous case is the one mentioned in connection with the Bermuda triangle is the disappearance of the flight of five torpedo-bombers of the "Avenger". These planes on December 5, 1945 took off from the naval forces of the USA in Fort Lauderdale and never returned. Debris was not found.

Самый известный случай - тот, который упоминается в связи с Бермудским треугольником, - это исчезновение полета пяти торпедо-бомбардировщиков «Мститель». Эти самолеты 5 декабря 1945 года вылетели из военно-морских сил США в Форт-Лодердейл и так и не вернулись. Останков не обнаружено.

The C-119 with 10 crew, disappeared on 6 June 1965 in the Bahamas. The exact time and place of the disappearance is unknown, and the search turned up nothing. Although the disappearance of the plane during the flight across the Atlantic can be explained by many natural causes, this case is often associated with alien abductions.
  • The C-119 with 10 crew, disappeared on 6 June 1965 in the Bahamas. The exact time and place of the disappearance is unknown, and the search turned up nothing. Although the disappearance of the plane during the flight across the Atlantic can be explained by many natural causes, this case is often associated with alien abductions.


  • Methane emissions
  • Rogue waves
  • Infrasound
  • The space-time funnel
Facts Over the last 150 years in the Bermuda triangle, the disappearance of more than 70 ships and 20 aircraft, that is, about a thousand people is recorded. From time to time some of the data from the studies conducted in this area to go to the press, known anomalies. So, in 2003, the international community has stirred up the news about the discovery of underwater pyramids, presumably of glass in the Bermuda triangle. .


  • Over the last 150 years in the Bermuda triangle, the disappearance of more than 70 ships and 20 aircraft, that is, about a thousand people is recorded. From time to time some of the data from the studies conducted in this area to go to the press, known anomalies. So, in 2003, the international community has stirred up the news about the discovery of underwater pyramids, presumably of glass in the Bermuda triangle.


Изучение океанского дна у побережья Кубы с помощью глубоководного робота подтвердило, что на самом дне Бермудского треугольника есть город гигантских размеров. Ученые полагают, что это Атлантида.

Изучение океанского дна у побережья Кубы с помощью глубоководного робота подтвердило, что на самом дне Бермудского треугольника есть город гигантских размеров. Ученые полагают, что это Атлантида.

  • Studies of the ocean floor off the coast of Cuba with the help of a deep-sea robot confirmed that at the very bottom of the Bermuda triangle is a city of gigantic proportions. Scientists suggest that this is Atlantis.
The area of the Bermuda triangle in his classic border is just over 1 million sq. km. But some experts suggest that an abnormal area is much greater.
  • The area of the Bermuda triangle in his classic border is just over 1 million sq. km. But some experts suggest that an abnormal area is much greater.
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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация "Бермудский треугольник"

Автор: Музыка Ксения Альбертовна

Дата: 25.01.2022

Номер свидетельства: 598866

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