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"Неопределённые местоимения some и any"

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Презентация предназначена для 3 класса. Презентация предназначена для теоретического представления материала и первичного закрепления.

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«"Неопределённые местоимения some и any"»

some I’ve got some milk. Can I have some  milk, please?


I’ve got some milk.

Can I have some milk, please?

any I haven’t got any milk. Have you got any milk?


I haven’t got any milk.

Have you got any milk?

a / an I have got a  b anana. He has got an  a pple.

a / an

I have got a b anana.

He has got an a pple.

some There’s _______ juice in the glass.


There’s _______ juice in the glass.

an There’s _______ apple on the table.


There’s _______ apple on the table.

some There are _______ potatoes in the bag.


There are _______ potatoes in the bag.

any There aren’t _______ eggs.


There aren’t _______ eggs.

any There isn’t _______ lemonade in the glass.


There isn’t _______ lemonade in the glass.

There aren’t _______bananas on the table. any

There aren’t _______bananas on the table.


any Are there _______ biscuits on the table?


Are there _______ biscuits on the table?

some Can I have _______ biscuits, please?


Can I have _______ biscuits, please?

any Is there _______milk in the glass?


Is there _______milk in the glass?

any Are there _______ apples in the bag?


Are there _______ apples in the bag?

any Is there _______ bread in the basket?


Is there _______ bread in the basket?

some There are _______ sandwiches.


There are _______ sandwiches.

any Is there _______ cheese in the basket?


Is there _______ cheese in the basket?

some There’s_______ water in the glass.


There’s_______ water in the glass.

some Can I have _______ juice, please?


Can I have _______ juice, please?

some There are_______ tomatoes in the basket.


There are_______ tomatoes in the basket.

a There is_______ tomato in the basket.


There is_______ tomato in the basket.

some There are_______ burgers.


There are_______ burgers.

some There’s_______ Coke in the glass.


There’s_______ Coke in the glass.

some There’s_______ rice in the basket.


There’s_______ rice in the basket.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс

"Неопределённые местоимения some и any"

Автор: Ступина Ирина Викторовна

Дата: 08.02.2022

Номер свидетельства: 599852

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