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Косвенная и прямая речь

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«Косвенная и прямая речь»

Before I went to Russia last year I (to read) a lot about it. I found that your country (to change) so much. I (to hear) that Moscow became as an international city as London. I (to expect) that Russia is a cold country and I (to find) it was true. She (to be born) before the war (to begin) . Captain Cook (to discover) the island before he (to die) .
  • Before I went to Russia last year I (to read) a lot about it.
  • I found that your country (to change) so much.
  • I (to hear) that Moscow became as an international city as London.
  • I (to expect) that Russia is a cold country and I (to find) it was true.
  • She (to be born) before the war (to begin) .
  • Captain Cook (to discover) the island before he (to die) .
1.I(never/be) to France. 2. At the party I saw a friend who (see) V. Putin. 3. I don`t usually(cook) cakes, I buy them. 4. I don`t (feel ) like going anywhere. Look, It(rain). 5. Last year I(design) this bag. I`m sure it`ll be popular soon. 6. Mrs. White (work) when her daughter (phone) her. 7. Though I never (see) spiders I recognized them at once. 8. It(rain) the whole day yesterday. 9. The scientists (allow) me to help them and gave me the task. 10. They (make) a small fire, then (cook) a wonderful snack.
  • 1.I(never/be) to France.
  • 2. At the party I saw a friend who (see) V. Putin.
  • 3. I don`t usually(cook) cakes, I buy them.
  • 4. I don`t (feel ) like going anywhere. Look, It(rain).
  • 5. Last year I(design) this bag. I`m sure it`ll be popular soon.
  • 6. Mrs. White (work) when her daughter (phone) her.
  • 7. Though I never (see) spiders I recognized them at once.
  • 8. It(rain) the whole day yesterday.
  • 9. The scientists (allow) me to help them and gave me the task.
  • 10. They (make) a small fire, then (cook) a wonderful snack.
Write down these sentences in reported speech in the past tenses:

Write down these sentences in reported speech in the past tenses:

  • You are very intelligent.
  • Where do you study?
  • What are you reading?
  • Have you seen the new film?
  • When shall we meet again?
  • Phone me tomorrow.
7. Masha said: «I usually spend my holidays in the south . » 8 . She said: «I spent my holidays in the Crimea last year . » 9 . Boris said: «I go to the south every year . » 10 . He said: «I am going to a rest-home tomorrow . » 11 . Ann said to us: «They haven't yet come . »

7. Masha said: «I usually spend my holidays in the south . » 8 . She said: «I spent my holidays in the Crimea last year . » 9 . Boris said: «I go to the south every year . » 10 . He said: «I am going to a rest-home tomorrow . » 11 . Ann said to us: «They haven't yet come . »

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Косвенная и прямая речь

Автор: Лопатова Юлия МИхайловна

Дата: 08.03.2022

Номер свидетельства: 601802

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